Every time you apply for credit, you're giving lenders permission to see your credit report. By being proactive and checking your credit report on a regular basis, you will know where your credit stands and can also watch out for any indications of fraud.
When and how to get your credit report
You should review your credit report from the three major U.S. credit reporting agencies (Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®) at least once a year, especially before making a large purchase, like a buying a house or a car.
Credit agencies typically charge fees for reports. However, you are entitled to one free credit report from each of the three major credit agencies once a year from www.annualcreditreport.com or call toll-free 1-877-322-8228. In addition, you’re entitled to a free credit report:
- Within 60 days of being denied credit, insurance, or employment
- Once a year if you’re unemployed and plan to look for a job within 60 days
- If you’re on welfare
- If your report is inaccurate because of fraud, including identity theft
How to fix errors on your credit report
If you find an error, fill out the dispute form provided by the credit reporting agency. The credit reporting agency must investigate and respond to you within 30 days. You can get your credit report from many sources, but only the credit agencies can actually correct the data on your report. Contact the three major credit agencies directly:
Eligible Wells Fargo customers can also easily access their FICO® Credit Score with Credit Close-up®. Don’t worry, requesting your score or reports in these ways won’t negatively affect your credit score.
Examine your statements
In addition to checking your credit report, reading your credit account statements each month may also help. If you have a credit card account with online access, check your account regularly between statements to promptly identify any unauthorized charges. If you notice any suspicious charges, contact the company right away.
If someone used your credit card without your permission, making you a victim of fraud or identity theft, contact your financial institution immediately. You may need to close your current account and open a new one to avoid further fraudulent charges. To help protect your credit, find out if your credit card issuer offers email or text alerts. You can also consider enrolling in credit monitoring services, which will alert you to changes in your credit that may indicate fraud.
Credit card fraud, identity theft, and administrative mistakes can happen to anyone. By taking preventive steps, you can help protect your credit.
You must be a Wells Fargo account holder of an eligible Wells Fargo consumer account with a FICO® Score available, and enrolled in Wells Fargo Online®. Eligible Wells Fargo consumer accounts include deposit, loan, and credit accounts, but other consumer accounts may also be eligible. Contact Wells Fargo for details. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier's coverage area. Your mobile carrier's message and data rates may apply.
Please note that the score provided under this service is for educational purposes and may not be the score used by Wells Fargo to make credit decisions. Wells Fargo looks at many factors to determine your credit options; therefore, a specific FICO® Score or Wells Fargo credit rating does not guarantee a specific loan rate, approval of a loan, or an upgrade on a credit card.
FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries.