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Supported Browsers and Wells Fargo Mobile® app Requirements

(Last updated: July 20, 2023)

To help provide you with the best experience while using our site, we recommend using one of the following supported browsers.

Supported browsers

Microsoft EdgeTM

  • Version 79 or higher

Download Microsoft Edge


  • Version 63 or higher

Download Mozilla Firefox


  • Version 11.x or higher

Download Apple Safari

Google ChromeTM

  • Version 70 or higher

Download Google Chrome

Wells Fargo Mobile app

The Wells Fargo Mobile app requires the minimum operating system listed below.

As of August 2024, the following operating systems are supported to install, update and run the Wells Fargo mobile app.

  • iPhone: iOS 15 or higher
  • iPad: iPadOS 15 or higher
  • Android phone and tablet: Android OS 10 or higher

Additional information on supported browsers

To provide our customers the most effective and secure online access to their accounts, we are continually upgrading our online services. As we add new features and enhancements to our service, older browser versions or Internet devices may not support these new standards. Upgrading to a new version will enhance your security and experience on our website.

For your protection, Wells Fargo does not support beta versions of operating systems or browsers. Wells Fargo regularly monitors and tests browsers to ensure the highest security standards for our customers. Browsers such as Firefox® and ChromeTM may auto update to the latest browser version compatible with your operating system. If you are using the latest release of your browser, please be aware that there may be a delay in our support of the new browser release while we conduct a review to ensure it meets our security standards. We may need to block certain browsers due to possible security risks and may not be able to inform you in advance.

For more details, please read the Browser Questions.

Online and mobile accessibility

We want everyone to be able to use, navigate, and interact with our website, regardless of circumstance. Learn more about accessibility.

For the best experience, please keep your technology up to date:

  • Use the latest version of your web browser.
  • Use the latest version of your assistive technology.
  • Download our latest app for Apple or Android devices that have built-in screen readers and other accessibility features.