A scammer contacts you pretending to be someone from your bank.
The call may even look like it's coming from your bank because the scammer uses spoofing technology to disguise the number on your caller ID so it appears legitimate.
The scammer may alert you to “suspicious activity” on your account and tell you that to correct it you’ll need to provide personal information, send a payment, or reverse a payment. They may even ask you to mail your card or provide it to a courier.
These are all bank spoofing scams. The goal is to steal your money or private account access information like your PIN, debit card, password, or one-time access codes.
Here are the key steps to spot and avoid this type of bank fraud.
Step 1: Don’t rely on caller ID.
Watch out for scammers who may be able to spoof a phone number so your caller ID reads “Wells Fargo.”
Step 2: Don’t share private account information.
Remember that Wells Fargo employees will not contact you and ask for your PIN, password, or one-time access codes. This information should always be protected and not shared with anyone who contacts you.
Step 3: Ignore requests to send a payment to solve a problem.
Know that Wells Fargo employees will never ask you to send money to anyone – including yourself – to "reverse a transfer," "receive a refund," "protect your money," or anything similar. Remember, if a correction or new account is needed, the bank will resolve the issue without asking you to make a transfer or withdrawal.
Step 4: Ignore transaction requests you didn’t initiate.
If you receive a one-time access code to authorize a transaction you didn't initiate, don't use the code or share it with anyone, even if they claim to be from your bank. One-time access codes should not be shared.
Step 5: When in doubt, hang up and contact us directly.
If you receive a suspicious phone call that seems like bank spoofing, hang up immediately. If you receive a suspicious text or email, don’t respond. Contact Wells Fargo directly using a verified, legitimate source such as the phone number on your card, wellsfargo.com, or the Wells Fargo Mobile® app.
How to report bank spoofing
If you sent a payment, shared one-time access codes, or provided personal financial information related to a bank spoofing call, contact us right away at 1-866-867-5568.
If you received a suspicious call but did not respond, send a payment, or provide personal financial information, email us at reportimposter@wellsfargo.com. If possible, please include these details:
- Call date, time, and your time zone
- Phone number or identification that appeared on caller ID
- Phone number the Wells Fargo impersonator called to reach you
- Other details about the interaction
- Attach a screenshot of your mobile phone’s call history, if available
Learn more about how to spot common scams and cyber threats.