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Voice Verification

Your unique Voice gets you quick access to your account information

Your voice gets you in

What is Voice Verification?

Voice Verification is an innovative biometric technology that allows you to use your unique voiceprint to access your accounts when you call Wells Fargo. Voice Verification is simple because it makes your voice your password.


Your voice is always with you, so it's easy and convenient to use no matter where you are. Takes just a few minutes; just repeat a simple phrase for quick account access.


For immediate access to your accounts, just repeat a simple phrase. There’s no need to memorize anything; we’ll tell you what to say.

It will only take a few minutes to set up your unique Voiceprint. Call us at 1-800-869-3557 and say "banker" or press "0" and tell the banker you wish to enroll in the Voice Verification Service.